Thursday, November 12, 2015

Techniques In Doing Magic Tricks (part 2 of 2)
This technique to impress the audience allows the magician to cause something to move from one place to another. A borrowed ring can suddenly be found inside a pocket of another person from the other end of the stage. The trick can be as astonishing as putting a canary suddenly trapped inside a light bulb. The trick is called transposition when two objects placed a distance apart from each other exchange places. In other words, it is a simultaneous or double teleportation.

This is another common but quite astonishing technique that magicians make use to impress audiences. The magician uses his skills to seemingly defy gravity. A magician makes something float in the air, be it himself of another object. A table seems to hover above the air without the aid of any suspension gadget or a magician wills a volunteer to fly in the air with the power of his mind. The technique of levitation comes in many forms and methods of making the seeming illusion seem impossible.

Prediction is another astonishing illusion that magicians use to leave audiences amazed. The trick seems to allow the magician to know future events or guess what is on the mind of a volunteer. The magician tries to predict the outcome of an event under seemingly impossible circumstance. The prediction technique is the basis for most card tricks where a random card is chosen and the magician able to predict the card without ever seeing it.

This type of illusion usually starts when the magician tries to destroy an object. In a sudden turn of events, the magician incredibly restores it back to its original state. The restoration method of magic forms the basis of many common magic tricks.  A magician cuts a rope or tears a newspaper in half and then magically restores them to their original form. Ina more astonishing aspect of the trick, a woman is sawn in half and then is brought back together.

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