Thursday, October 29, 2015

How to Start Your Acting Career (part 2 of 2)

Since there are so many producers and directors, it pays to read trade papers regularly like Variety or Backstage so you will know what movies are being made and where the casting is taking place. Since you are already there, try to request for an audition even if it is just a small part. Again, this is part of building your resume.

If there are special events in the industry or parties, make it a point to accept the invitation. This will also give you the opportunity to meet directors, producers and even the actors themselves.

It is not easy to jumpstart your acting career especially when you are just starting out in the business. One thing you should be cautious about are scam artists that will tell you they can make you famous when all they will really do is steal your money or exploit you.

Some of these individuals may pretend to be talent agents and if they tell you to pay a certain amount upfront, run because they only get paid when they land you a job and not before.

Being cast part of a show is like applying for a job. Sometimes you get it and sometimes you don’t. If someone else is chosen, don’t feel bad because there will be other opportunities in the future.

While waiting, try to improve your skills some more by enrolling again in another class or looking for better opportunities elsewhere. You have to remember that people do not watch actors or actresses only on television or the big screen when there is also Broadway.

Proper training, persistence and patience are some of the virtues that you need in order for you to have a successful acting career.

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